Wing Tsang Early Career Award in Chemical Kinetics
We are pleased to announce the inaugural Wing Tsang Early Career Award, to be presented in 2025 at the 13th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics. The Wing Tsang Early Career Award recognizes the contributions of an early career researcher in the field of chemical kinetics. This prestigious early career award will be presented biennially at the ICCK meeting, during which the recipient will also present the Wing Tsang Early Career Investigator Plenary Lecture. This award recognizes excellence in chemical kinetics research, the potential for future leadership in the field and service to the kinetics community.
Wing Tsang’s outstanding technical contributions to chemical kinetics at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) centered on combustion chemistry and shock tube experiments. His leadership was essential in creating the evaluated chemical kinetics databases that continue to have tremendous impact on the broader kinetics community. Wing, together with John T. Herron (chair) helped found the ICCK in 1985.
Dr. Wing Tsang in 1962 (the photo is courtesy of the NIST Research Library and Museum).
Criteria for the Wing Tsang Early Career Award
The awardee must be an early career investigator within 10 years of their terminal degree as of the conference date.
The awardee’s research interests should be in one or several aspects (i. e. experimental, theoretical, and modeling) in fundamental or applied chemical kinetics.
The awardee must have been an active participant in past ICCK conference/conferences.
The awardee must demonstrate research excellence and impact in fundamental or applied chemical kinetics, the potential for future leadership, and service to the chemical kinetics community.
The awardee must be available to present the Wing Tsang Plenary Lecture at the ICCK conference.
Timeline for nominations
Deadline for nominations is February 1, 2025. Deadline extended to February 15, 2025
Nomination packages, consisting of a short CV (2 pages), a list of up to 10 influential publications, a letter of nomination (2 pages max), and one supporting letter, should be sent to Kevin Van Geem, chair of the Standing Committee of the ICCK, at Self-nominations are not permitted.
The award will be decided by the standing committee of the ICCK. Members of the standing committee may not nominate or support a candidate.
We are soliciting donations to fund this award for the next 20 years. If you are interested in making a donation in honor of Wing Tsang and to encourage excellence in Chemical Kinetics, please contact our Treasurer, Bill Green (